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 New Game+ 

A production guide for indie game developers

From Pillars to Pitch

The game design process is filled with questions. Production—the art of decision making in game development—helps answer them. Great production improves your design choices, organizes your development flow, and helps you communicate exactly what makes your game special.


I believe in helping great ideas flourish, so I built this website to eliminate common roadblocks that prevent indie dreamers from becoming indie developers. This guide offers tools—templates, articles, industry resources, and advice from seasoned vets—to transform the way you approach game design and development, from pillars to pitch.


I'll break down this site's architecture, and the flow of its resources, into three distinct stages: planning, production, and pitch.


Play great games, establish your game’s identity, assemble your team, and chart the road ahead.


Plan development, estimate features, build beautiful corners, and keep the team moving.


Build a pitch deck, create your long-term production schedule, assemble the budget, and secure funding.

I'll dive into these subjects and more in the articles below. 


This site is tailored to developers looking to pitch game prototypes to publishers, but its articles will be useful for anyone looking to improve their game development process.


Don't see what you're looking for? Want to know more? Shoot me an email (, hit me up on LinkedIn, or message me on Discord (@salt411).

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